,,Vasond valley" Nature Trail - 4. station - HEAD OF BÉD STREAM

We are on the ridge between the Olt river and Fiság stream. To the West is the Aracs stream and the Hay Road, on which the farmers carried down the winter food for their animals from the mountain hay meadows. A little to the North we can observe steep step-like surface forms. What do you think these are? (former arable terraces). In clear weather there is a nice view of the Csík Mountains and the valley of Béd stream with beech forest on its right side. At this point our path turns east and descends into the valley of Béd. At the head of the valley there is a spring, its water is driven into riffles and used by the locals for watering the cows. In the surrounding areas there are pastures with Dog Rose and Spruce forest. We can find many interesting plants along the road, such as the Dusky Cranesbill, Yellow Melancholy Thistle and Wood Cow-wheat. In roadside puddles Yellow-bellied Toad can be found.